Thursday, December 16, 2004
Adventures in Shoe Tying
This whole Internet thingy is supposed to make it easy for anyone to share their ideas, espouse their philosophy, and hawk their wares (see the Pat Angello Fan Club for a particularly egregious example). But whoever designed this "blog" concept gets high marks for making what ought to be a pretty simple action superfluously complex. I thought it should be as simple as setting up a blog, then telling people to post there. But that concept's less a blog than it is a bulletin board, and I was pretty sure I wanted a blog and not a bulletin board. So after maybe 3 hours figuring how to set this thing up (and nearly three of those tweaking settings to overcome what I thought was a symptom of my ignorance, but which turned out to be a misconfigured router back at the central office), I spent yet another 45 minutes learning about the concept of a "team blog." A "team blog," in case you did not know, is a blog to which other people besides the blog author can post (besides comments, i.e.). You know, like a bulletin board -- even though a bulletin board is definitely not what I was looking for here. So, I have issued invitations to two people -- Pat Angello and Bill Cross -- to post to my blog. Unfortunately, Pat decided a response to my opening salvo was all he needed to post, and Cross hasn't responded at all. Am I dismayed? Nah. Disappointed, perhaps, but not dismayed. I'll give em a couple more days while I continue to iron out the kinks. Rock on.
posted by Bill Purdy, 4:34 PM