Thursday, December 16, 2004
Top 12 Ways Pat Angello is so Water, by Bill Cross
Too damned funny not to be archived somewhere in a public forum.
Top 12 Ways Patrick Angello Is So Water
by Bill Cross
12. Always raining on my parades
11. Flows like Saul Williams
10. Hangs out under the bridge w/ Anthony Keidis
9. Worshipped by Native Americans
8. Sprinkles Denver lawns on a regular basis
7. Makes all the civil engineers think “daaaammmmmm!”
6. On visits to the Southern Hemisphere, known to go the other way
5. Sells own sweat to Evian
4. Never invited when the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
3. Turned to whine during his most recent bulletin board post
2. Has anointed a few Catholics, if you know what I mean
1. Once caused Marv Albert to exclaim, “Patrick Angello just wiped out the Tennessee Valley … with AUTHORITY!”
Top 12 Ways Patrick Angello Is So Water
by Bill Cross
12. Always raining on my parades
11. Flows like Saul Williams
10. Hangs out under the bridge w/ Anthony Keidis
9. Worshipped by Native Americans
8. Sprinkles Denver lawns on a regular basis
7. Makes all the civil engineers think “daaaammmmmm!”
6. On visits to the Southern Hemisphere, known to go the other way
5. Sells own sweat to Evian
4. Never invited when the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
3. Turned to whine during his most recent bulletin board post
2. Has anointed a few Catholics, if you know what I mean
1. Once caused Marv Albert to exclaim, “Patrick Angello just wiped out the Tennessee Valley … with AUTHORITY!”
posted by Bill Purdy, 6:36 PM