Thursday, January 20, 2005


This film is a story about a couple middle-aged men with strange relationship issues. Miles (Paul Giamatti) is a divorced struggling writer/English teacher with a passion for wine. When his buddy Jack (Thomas Haden Church – yes, the goofy mechanic from Wings) is about to get married, Miles plans a bachelor trip for them to tour wine country, eat some great food, and relax by playing a little golf. This is Miles’ ideal vacation and getaway, but Jack basically just wants one more fling before he gets married.

Ya know, I don’t say this many times, but this is honestly one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. The plot I described above isn’t anything too exciting, but the character development is fantastic and the dialogue is absolutely brilliant. Sure Jack throws f-bombs all over the place, but the talk of relationships and description of wine and how it’s made literally floored me. I swear to you, when Miles goes into detail about why he admires a Pinot Noir, and the care put into developing that wine, I had tears in my eyes. It was so beautifully scripted and his performance made you feel like he drank it out of respect for whoever made the wine, and their passion for the craft was directed personally at Miles.

I’ll tell you right now, I know nothing about wine. I’ve tried some, but never really liked any of it. After this film, suddenly I want to learn everything about it! That’s scary! No matter how many people have suggested wine to me, or told me how to drink it, I could care less – it was all the same. But the descriptions in this film aroused my curiosity, which I never thought would happen. That alone makes it an impressive film in my mind.

The relationship between Miles and Jack, their flawed personalities that they never learn to overcome, keeps this film true. You really get to know both of them by the time its over, and you feel for them. Even if Jack is a pig, you understand him and you know why. You can pry into Miles’ pain of being divorced and why he is scared to embark on a new relationship. They are great friends in a love/hate relationship.

This is a very funny film if you can handle the language and brief sex scenes (Mom). Paul Giamatti is a brilliant actor, which reminds me to tell you to rent American Splendor. Go see this film – please! It’s rated R so there won’t be any loud kids there and I have not enjoyed a film this much since Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I honestly can’t find anything disappointing in this film!

5 out of 5!!!

posted by Pat Angello, 4:55 PM

1 Buffaloes were bitter enough to post comments:

Blogger Bill Purdy, said:
Ya know, for a "quickie," that is a very good review. Makes me wish I could get to theaters and, you know, actually SEE it.

Sigh. Maybe someday.
...on January 21, 2005 11:11 AM  

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