Friday, April 08, 2005

Please, please, please....if anyone who works for NPR reads this...

DO NOT TALK TO ANY MORE PILGRIMS IN ROME. I have no issues with covering the demise of the Pontiff (although it is admittedly a bit much), but then, I'm not in the car that long and am easily distracted trying to dodge bad drivers in POS pick-up trucks with tons of junk precariously balanced in the bed. And yes...there is a particular type of driver that does this.

Does this irritate anyone else? Listening to Manuel from Spain: "We stood in line for 16 hours. It was a hard night for us."

Listening to Pavel from Poland: "We stood in line waiting to see the Papa for 13 hours. It was very difficult for us, but we're glad we're here."

Ugh. Every day for a week now.....have they buried this issue yet?

posted by Anonymous, 7:12 AM

1 Buffaloes were bitter enough to post comments:

Blogger Pat Angello, said:
For a surreal experience, try going to Jason's Deli and watching the funeral on TV while listening to calssic rock on the speakers. Somehow, the James Gang doesn't fit!
...on April 08, 2005 2:06 PM  

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