Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Yeah, I know it's late.

Hokay. I know. My submission to the BBCDC is late. And for that I am sorry. I've been caught up in a whirlwind. As to the theme, well, I've noticed that there are some songs that somehow make my right foot heavier. Among them there are songs to drive to at night and songs to drive to during the day. My CD is an attempt to create a traveling companion that provides an aural transition from night to day in 70 minutes. I had contemplated a 2 CD set (one for Day and one for Night) but between swimming lessons for the kids, decorating the house for a Halloween party, work and a host of other duties I lost my ambition. I have nearly completed uploading the songs into iTunes and ordering them so they flow smoothly one after the other. This is often the hardest part in my experience - lots of good songs to choose from but do they work together? As soon as that task is complete I'll provide my track listing and narrative. Until then, you'll have to wait. I'm thinking a week or so. Bear with me.

posted by Anonymous, 2:26 PM

3 Buffaloes were bitter enough to post comments:

Blogger Kevin K., said:
Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment on my "From the East Side" site. I used to update 4-5 days a week, but lately it's only 2-3 times; I hope to get back to my old ways soon. So please check back from time; or, I can I put you on my readers subscription list -- the more non-relatives I've got, the better.
...on October 19, 2005 4:27 PM  

Blogger Pat Angello, said:
I think that comment was meant for me - I left him a note on his blog, but posted on your blag most recently so it came up first in my profile.
...on October 20, 2005 1:09 PM  

Blogger Bill Purdy, said:
So, uh... you gonna post a track listing at least?

btw, checked out East Side's blog. It's quite an amusing read -- far more amusing than this blog's been lately. For that, I apologize. I'll get on it soon.
...on October 24, 2005 12:27 PM  

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