Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Shameless Marketing Ploy to Drive 5,000 More Visits

Sitemeter tells me 5,000 people have visited this little blog since I started it up. While I am impressed and somewhat humbled by this fact, I have to admit the numbers are slightly inflated.

First of all, I installed Sitemeter after I had accumulated an estimated 1,026 visits using some other counting method. That was, of course, just a guess. And it was probably a little on the high side.

Second, Sitemeter counts as a visit every time I stop by my own blog. I estimate I have looked at my blog (just to behold its wondrousness) maybe 1,000 times.

Third, lots and lots of people come here looking for answers to the burning questions in life. For instance:

Based on my estimates, then, I've had just 200 quality hits from my intended audience: my friends and family.

As far as I am concerned, that's way more than enough. Thanks to all of you for taking to stop by on the very rare occasion when I take the time to post. Thanks, too, to Patrick, Matt, Beth, and Dancin' Dave, for posting your thoughts from time to time. And thanks to D-Lee and Brooks for stopping by and sticking around -- it's nice to know you can still make friends from strangers in this age of faceless technology.

So, as a reward for your faithful readership, you get to look at a video of my cute kid (because nobody can resist a video of a cute kid). You'll need Quicktime to view it.

posted by Bill Purdy, 7:59 AM

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